Wednesday 15 August 2012

Seminar Serantau Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Islam 2012 (SeIPTI 2012)

SeIPTI 2012 merupakan satu seminar yang menganjurkan kepada pelajar-pelajar untuk menghantar 1 artikel yang bertajuk:

“Towards Upholding the Grandeur of Regional Islamic Higher Education Institutions”

Seminar ini dianjurkan oleh Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia sendiri di bawah Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan dan mendapat kerjasama dari Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei dan Institut Studi Islam Darussalam (ISID) Indonesia


According to history, the Islamic higher education institutions begin at the mosques. The higher education system brings with it the spirit of ibadah and develops analogous with the need to build civilized mankind covering various branch of knowledge. Scholarly activity such as research, education and learning, seminars and translations developed in accordance to the teaching of Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah as the focal references.
The Islamic Higher Education Institutions can now be found in various form and model, developed to trounce various challenges and to develop higher educational sector that is competent, as a referral point requested and competent leadership.  The contemporary challenges faced by the Islamic higher education institutions include various aspects like leadership and governance, new technology change for education and learning, paramount increase in entrepreneurship of the students, education pedagogy, students mobility and internationalization activity.

Inline with the various current challenges of competition, the Islamic higher education institutions need to share their experience and strengths, network and plan among competent and dynamic future in order to widen the discussion circle and benefits. Therefore, SeIPTI 2012 is one of the best platform to assemble three strategic partners, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), University Sultan Islam Sharif Ali(UNISSA) Brunei and Institut Studi Islam Darussalam (ISID) Indonesia. The seminar is anticipated to execute in an annual rotation basis. Participation is also open to other institutions and interested persons.

To create a platform experience and knowledge sharing to develop Islamic Higher Education Institutions which are competent, as a referral point requested and competent leadership. 

To create an academic collaboration among the scholars in a more systematic way in the field of teaching and learning, research, publications and community services and commercialization.

To synergize the ideas on manhaj and al-sunnah in order to strengthen the ummah to face the future challenges.
To be the medium for innovation, creativity and transformation of the Islamic Higher Education Institutions for the benefit of the ummah.

  • Membincangkan usaha untuk membentuk integrasi pelbagai genre ilmu.

Research paperwork should be based on one of these themes (other papers in any unrelated themes are also welcomed):
•    The Concepts and Applications of Knowledge Integration
•    Teaching and Learning Methodology in Islamic Study
•    Islamic Higher Education and New Technology
•    Innovation in Islamic Higher Education
•    E-Learning Experiences at Islamic Higher Education Institution
•    Problem-Based Dan Project-Based in Islamic Higher Education
•    Case Study in Islamic Higher Education
•    Theories of Islamic Higher Education
•    The Impact of Globalization Towards Islamic Study
•    Vocational Education in Islamic Higher Education
•    Internationalization Program in Islamic Higher Education
•    Islamic Study and Industrial Relations
•    Islamic University Model
•    Marketability of Graduates
•    Knowledge-economy
•    Knowledge-management
•    Training and Management of Academicians
•    Long Life Learning
•    Good-Governance
•    Web-Based in Teaching, Learning and Training
•    Leadership of Graduates
•    Development and Reformation of Curriculum
•    Innovation of Management
•    Informal Learning and the  Role of Universities
•    Human Capital Development
•    Management of Library
•    Pedagogy
•    Accreditation
•    Students’ Development

Registration Fees
Paper Presenters and participants from UNISSA, ISIDRM 300.00
Paper Presenters (Other Institutions)RM 500.00
Paper Presenters and participants from USIMWAIVED
ParticipantsRM 500.00
Post-graduate StudentsRM 200.00
Under-graduate Students RM 100.00
(Fees inclusive of Proceedings, Refreshments and Seminar Materials)

For a full paper to be accepted, authors should submit an abstract in electronic copy (MS Word) to or or , by the deadline date of 15 May 2012. Please use the provided abstract template. Abstracts will be reviewed immediately and acceptance decision shall follow after the review is completed. However, in certain cases, authors will be notified of their abstracts’ acceptance by 30 May 2012.
Upon acceptance of abstracts, authors shall receive a ‘letter of acceptance’, registration form and a ‘MS Word template’ for the full paper. The full paper is to be submitted before or at 1 October 2012. At least one of the authors must register for and present the paper at the conference.
For the final paper, all manuscripts must be prepared in English/Malay/Arabic and free of grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Please make sure your paper is thoroughly edited and proof read before submitted. All manuscripts must be the original work not yet submitted to any other journals or publications prior to the conference. Following the conference, authors are free to submit the manuscript for publication in any journals.
The conference proceedings will be professionally reproduced with an appropriate ISSN number. Only papers of registered authors will be published in the proceedings.
Any inquiries regarding to the submission can be made to the secretary of SeIPTI 2012 at .

Format Of Writing
1.        The language of the article must be in English, Malay and Arabic.

2.        The length of the article should not exceed 12 pages including the references.

3.        Articles should be typed using font Times New Roman, font size 12, single-space (1.0) and using the author-date system of reference in the text.

4.        Abstract should be written with concise and factual (maximum length of 350 words). The abstract should state briefly:
  • Introduction of the article
  • Objectives
  • Method
  • Findings of the research
  • Significance of the research

5.        The title and abstract must be included in English AND either Malay or Arabic.

6.        The title of article must be related with the stated themes.

7.       All abstracts and full articles must be sent by e-mail to:

8.        Samples of the abstract and full paper are as follow:

a. Full paper Template Download here
b. Full paper (English/Malay) Download here
c. Full paper (Arabic) Download here

Who should attend?
  • Academics of Islamic Higher Learning Institution in the Region
  • Academics of Public and Private Higher Learning Institution in the Region
  • Academics Researcher of related field
  • Government Officers, Leaders and members of Islamic NGOs
Seminar Brochure(In Malay)

Seminar Poster(In Malay)


The Secretariat for Regional Seminar on Islamic Higher Educational Institutions 2012 (SeIPTI 2012)
Faculty of Leadership and Management
Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM)
Bandar Baru Nilai,
71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan

Contact Persons:
En Khairunneezam Mohd Noor
Telefon : 06- 798 8751
Email :

Cik Suria Hani Abd Rahman
Telefon : 06- 798 8187

Fax : 06-798 8244

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